Your health and function are coordinated by your Nervous System. In order to have optimal health, you need optimal communication between your brain and your body throughout your nerves. This optimal communication is directly related to the function of your spine.
Your health and function are coordinated by your Nervous System. In order to have optimal health, you need optimal communication between your brain and your body throughout your nerves. This optimal communication is directly related to the function of your spine.


No matter how old you are, or what state of health you are in, your body is designed to be self healing , self organised and self regulated. And this is all controlled by your nervous system.

But sometimes, life challenges can bring miscommunication between our brain and body leading us to aches, fatigue, stress, low performance or concentration, unsettled babies … Chiropractors adjust the spine to bring back this vital communication and allow our way back to health and adapt better to life stressors. 

Who can benefit from Chiropractic?






Anybody having a spine and nervous system.

How can we help you

Whether you are wanting to improve your wellbeing and quality of life or improve your sports performance we are here to help.

Reasons people seek care:
• Lower back pain
• Anxiety/Depression
• Poor Digestion
• Concussion
• Headaches
• Neck and Shoulder Pain
• Poor Sleep
• Low Energy
• Hormonal imbalance

We also assist parents looking for optimal growth and development for their kids and help with:
• Reflux
• Colic
• Breastfeeding/latching challenges
• Immune and digestive upset
• Stress & anxiety
• Bedwetting/bowel challenges
• Neurodiversity challenges

Cutting-edge technology – INSiGHT Scanning

As the name implies, our INSIGHT nervous system scan allows us to dive deeper than just what we see on the outside or what we feel with our hands.

It provides valuable evidence of exactly how your body is functioning and adapting to the ever changing world around you.

Part 1
Called the HRV or Heart Rate Variability test is used to measure overall nerve system function. It looks to see if you are functioning in more of a fight/ flight “stressed state” or if you are adapting well to stressors in your life.

Part 2
Looks at Muscle Activation / Innervation – this test assesses muscle activity and more importantly how well the nerves exiting your spine are innervating their corresponding muscles. We can measure if a muscle is hyper functioning so over stimulated or hypo functioning / under stimulated and create a visual map of how well your overall musculoskeletal system is working.

Part 3
The Thermography test – this part of the scan looks at how well your nerves are innervating your organs. Each nerve has a responsibility to send / receive information from your brain to your body and innervate your organs. At times with subluxation this does not occur accurately, we can now objectively measure this function.


P.S: available in Queenstown’s practice only, for special request please give us a call.
